Jordi NN

Jordi NN

Mėnulio laimė

Moon is one of the central astrological star symbols and is present in all ancient civilizations. In Latvia this sign in known from Late Stone Age century. Moon sign is used with Sun or other star symbols. The background story of Moon is to take care of other stars kind of taking the role of father. In old times Moon was used as a calendar to plan their week. Symbol of Moon is close related to agriculture cult.

Laima is known as people’s life path giver, in folklore that is the being that chooses everyone’s destiny and looks for it is done as expected. Laima represents a special kind of gods – Gods of destiny.


Event / Rudens lygė

Where / Juokrantė, Lithuania

Date / September 2014


Height / 400 cm

Width / 200 cm

Depth / 40 cm



Tree Bark


