In the crack of the universe We feel the world bursting. In between reality and star-worlds Huginn & Muninn meet.
Their wing-beat merges Opposing elements Wind & Fire The affection for anti.
In the bright lights of the northern hemisphere Space and earth, Step the dance of the crescent and become one. That which shows the way to the end of the world.
IS // Ljóð
Í sprungu alheimsins finnum við veröldina bresta. Milli veruleika og stjarnheima Huginn & Muninn mætast.
Vængjablak þeirra sameina öndverð öfl. Blæ & Brimi ástarbrími andhverfa.
Í ljósum logum norðurhvelsins himingeimur & grund stíga dans hálfmánans og verða eitt. Vegvísir til enda veraldar.