Jordi NN

Jordi NN


“Ama-gi” – Sumerian word for “Freedom”- the oldest known written concept of “freedom” – the literal translation is “coming back to the mother”, “coming back to where you belong”.

The sculpture has two main themes – freedom and transformation or transmutation.

S koljena na koljeno​

“S koljena na koljeno” (Passed through generations) is an artwork related to the cultural identity of the Island of Rab, Croatia. A land-art installation to pay respect to the set of characteristics that does this island unique.

Cultural identity is a part of a person’s identity. I believe a place could have its own cultural identity, self-conception and self-perception. And like each person’s identity, every location identity is related to the environment (orography and nationality), biodiversity (races and ethnicities), beliefs and behaviours, generation or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture as in this case, the islands of Adriatic sea.


Rachis comes from Ancient Greek and gives its name to the axial part of numerous compound structures in animals, fungi and plants. For the human being, it gives name to the backbone or spine being the main axis or “shaft”.


Heimsendir Edge of the world ENG // Poem Edge of the world In the crack of the universe We feel the world bursting.In between reality and star-worlds Huginn & Muninnmeet. Their wing-beat merges Opposing elements Wind & FireThe affection for anti. In the bright lights of the northern hemisphereSpace and earth,Step the dance of the […]


Volcano Cat // Poema “saps què s’amagasota el pacífic verdvellutat d’arbres?                       el roig què xucla la blancaflor, per créixer tan fràgilsi no és el foc?” Anna Dodas i Noguer,  1961 / 1986 ENG // Poem “do you know what is hiddenunder the peaceful greentree velvet?                       the red what sucks the whiteflower, to grow […]

Armillary sphere

Armillary Sphere _About The monumental sculpture in the shape of an armillary sphere is a stunning visual representation of the relationship between astronomy, geometry, and the natural world. This intricate sculpture, fashioned out of natural materials, captures the beauty and complexity of the cosmos in a unique and striking way. The armillary sphere has been […]

Where the paths cross

交會處​ WHERE THE PATHS CROSS​ _About ENG “There is no path without an intersection. There is no action without a decision. There is no dialogue without listening. There is no consensus without a meeting point. There, where the wind touches the earth, where thoughts touch the sky, is a commonplace, a hidden place. There, where […]


Papartis _About In Lithuanian folklore, the Papartis flower is believed to bloom exclusively on the night of the summer solstice, echoing the broader myth of the fern flower. Locals hold the conviction that discovering the Papartis flower brings not only good fortune and wealth but also the extraordinary ability to comprehend the language of animals. […]