Jordi NN

Jordi NN

Taming a stranger

Taming a stranger 2021 – Work in Progress _Apie (LT) Meninis video projektas “Prisijaukinant svetimą” tiria kūrybos galimybes izoliacijoje. Filmuotos judesių kompozicijos buvo kuriamos prisitaikant ir reflektuojant uždaras namų erdves. Vėliau šios choreografijos atliktos ir filmuotos gamtoje. Taip namuose konservuotos judesių kompozicijos viena po kitos išvestos „pasivaikščioti”.   Tas pats judesys veikiamas uždaros, o vėliau […]

Melodías de tensiones sinérgicas

The sculpture will use the principle of tensegrity. Its different ornamental elements and also the several levels of the central piece will be connected without direct physical contact, but through metal ropes that will form a tensioned structure thus creating an impression of light elements floating in the air.


Heimsendir Edge of the world ENG // Poem Edge of the world In the crack of the universe We feel the world bursting.In between reality and star-worlds Huginn & Muninnmeet. Their wing-beat merges Opposing elements Wind & FireThe affection for anti. In the bright lights of the northern hemisphereSpace and earth,Step the dance of the […]


Volcano Cat // Poema “saps què s’amagasota el pacífic verdvellutat d’arbres?                       el roig què xucla la blancaflor, per créixer tan fràgilsi no és el foc?” Anna Dodas i Noguer,  1961 / 1986 ENG // Poem “do you know what is hiddenunder the peaceful greentree velvet?                       the red what sucks the whiteflower, to grow […]

Armillary sphere

Armillary Sphere _About The monumental sculpture in the shape of an armillary sphere is a stunning visual representation of the relationship between astronomy, geometry, and the natural world. This intricate sculpture, fashioned out of natural materials, captures the beauty and complexity of the cosmos in a unique and striking way. The armillary sphere has been […]


Unity Baltic Unity day (Lithuanian: Baltų vienybės diena, Latvian: Baltu vienības diena) is a commemorative day celebrated on September 22 in Lithuania and Latvia. It was recognized as such in 2000 by both the Seimas of Lithuania and Saeima of Latvia commemorating the 1236 Battle of Saule, where the joint pagan Samogitian and Semigallian forces […]

Sviesta Ķērne

Sviesta Ķērne _About The fire sculpture „Butter Churn” refers through its name and shape to the name of the festival (Sviests – Butter) and reminds of its basic idea – butter as a symbol of the most precious one can get from milk through active human impact – thus eventually becoming a cultural product. The […]

Where the paths cross

交會處​ WHERE THE PATHS CROSS​ _About ENG “There is no path without an intersection. There is no action without a decision. There is no dialogue without listening. There is no consensus without a meeting point. There, where the wind touches the earth, where thoughts touch the sky, is a commonplace, a hidden place. There, where […]

MoonSun fight

MoonSun fight _about “The word is derived from the Latin aequinoctium, from aequus (equal) and nox (genitive noctis) (night). On the day of an equinox, daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration all over the planet.“ Source – Wikipedia This kinetic sculpture represents the eternal fight of power between daytime and nighttime. Both represented […]

Gates Calendar

Gates Calendar _About The Wheel of the Year consist of the year’s chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them. While names for each Celebration vary among diverse traditions, syncretic treatments often refer to the four solar events as “quarter days” and the four midpoint events as “cross-quarter days” Event _Info Event […]