Jordi NN

Jordi NN

Mėnulio laimė


This artwork was created for the autumn equinox celebration in Juodkrantė, Lithuania. It is composed of two significant Baltic symbols: the Moon and the Destiny Symbol, crafted from reclaimed materials and installed on the amber-colored lake just outside the town. These symbols are deeply rooted in the natural cycles that govern both the environment and the rhythms of life, connecting the artwork to ancient traditions and the cyclical nature of time.

The Twin Moon symbol, representing the waxing and waning phases, is directly linked to the pagan calendar and its influence on agriculture, animal migration, and reproductive cycles. The moon, an ancient celestial guide, is central to understanding seasonal changes, especially as it pertains to the autumn equinox—a pivotal time for harvest and preparation for the darker half of the year. Farmers, following the lunar phases, could sow, grow, and reap their crops, while hunters could predict the movements of herds, following patterns guided by the moon. This connection to both agriculture and the hunt mirrors the principles of biomimicry, where human survival and thriving are deeply attuned to the rhythms and wisdom of the natural world.

In Baltic mythology, the moon is one of the central astral symbols, present since the Late Stone Age. It is often depicted alongside the sun and other celestial bodies, embodying a nurturing and protective role, similar to that of a father watching over the stars.

The Destiny Symbol in the artwork invokes Laima, the Baltic goddess of fate and life paths. In folklore, Laima is the one who determines each person’s destiny, ensuring that their life unfolds as it should. As the guardian of fate, she is associated with the cycles of life and the turning of the seasons, especially as the autumn equinox marks a time of reflection on the harvest—both literal and metaphorical. The artwork’s connection to Laima underscores the belief that destiny is not random but is aligned with natural rhythms, cycles, and balance. Just as the moon guides the agricultural and hunting cycles, Laima guides the journey of each individual, ensuring they fulfill their life’s purpose.



Event / Rudens lygė

Where / Juokrantė, Lithuania

Date / September 2014


Height / 4 m

Width / 2 m

Depth / 0.5 m



Tree Bark



_Work in Progress